2019 Vancouver Orchid Society Show and Sale (March 23 - 24th, 2019)

Written by Leslie Milne

All photographs courtesy of Alexey Tretyakov

After last year’s difficulties of cancelled ferries, the set up for the Vancouver Show this year went relatively smoothly.  Suzanne and I each loaded our vehicle with 15 plants and then filled in every nook and cranny with staging, cloth, driftwood, moss, branches, lichen and anything else that we might need.  Darlene met us on the ferry and helped with the paperwork so that set up would be quick on arrival at Van Dusen.

CVIOS display - Best Visiting Society display (Congratulations Leslie, Suzanne, and Darlene)

CVIOS display - Best Visiting Society display (Congratulations Leslie, Suzanne, and Darlene)

For those that have been to the Vancouver show before, the floorplan was changed this year and it allowed for better viewing around the show tables and more room for the vendor tables. Our two-table set up was against a wall which was somewhat different than we have had before, but it worked out well and allowed for a good display without crowding the plants.  I am proud to say our table was voted the best visiting society display.

CVIOS Detail 6.jpg

Plants on the table were from Alexey, Dora, Laurie, Mike, Robert, Sheila, Suzanne and myself.  Thank you to all.  Our plants did very well, overall 9 ribbons, Mike a third, Laurie a second, Sheila a first, Dora two firsts and a second and Alexey two firsts and a second as well as an AOS award of Certificate of Cultural Merit with 87 points for his Pleione formosana “Meetings at CVIOS”.  Fantastic!

Leone formosana “Meetings at CVIOS”. Grown and photographed by Alexey Tretyakov Awarded AOS/CCM

Leone formosana “Meetings at CVIOS”. Grown and photographed by Alexey Tretyakov Awarded AOS/CCM

Best in Show - Dendrobium Noble Hybrid

Best in Show - Dendrobium Noble Hybrid

The show was incredibly busy with visitors, and Saturday morning the 7 vendor tables resembled a wild feeding frenzy.  Note for next year… pre order if you can as plants sold quickly, particularly the miniatures.  Quite a few of our members managed to come over for the show and all in all it was an excellent weekend. 

Vancouver Orchid Society display

Vancouver Orchid Society display

Okanagan Orchid Society display

Okanagan Orchid Society display

Note - The results of the AOS judging will be posted when received. If you would like to add to your orchid collection or outdoor garden, CVIOS will be holding it’s annual Orchid and Garden Market on April 13. More info on our events page.